Flora & Fauna.

For this test period, we have very few animals but we hope to get more as we upgrade the habitat by the day. If you are lucky you will catch sight f a Dik-Dik or a Gazelle.
We hope to have
as many small animals as possible, more so those risking extinction.
Towards keeping our Mijikenda culture reverberating, it has dawned on us that majority of our offspring won’t even known the different flora and fauna by name let alone the Botanical and Zoological names.
It is a
chance for them to learn their vernacular through names of different
flora and fauna. What’s more, we will be able to learn many plants
with medical values through our Gosana Herbalists.
For the bird watchers, we wish to tell them that the Avifauna life here is simple prolific! Enjoy your watching especially during morning and evening hours not forgetting the beauty Butterflies and Gosana Butterfly farm.
good samaritan nature park